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New Covenant Baptist Church New Covenant Baptist Church

Photo Gallery: Bishop Smith 27th Pastoral Anniversary Banquet Photo Gallery: Bishop Smith 27th Pastoral Anniversary Banquet

Bishop Smith 27th Pastoral Anniversary Banquet
Bishop Smith
Viewed 3419 times

Viewed 3206 times
1st Lady Smith
Viewed 3385 times
Bishop Smith escorted by Deaconess Waller
Viewed 3363 times
1st Lady Smith escorted by Minister Al Waller
Viewed 3369 times

Viewed 3219 times
Bishop and 1st Lady Smith
Viewed 3153 times
Mistress of Ceremony Minister L. Williams
Viewed 3146 times
Mother Dixon and Mother Smith
Viewed 3128 times
NCBC Trustee (Angie Slade not pictured)
Viewed 3171 times
NCBC Deacon's (Deacon Battle not Pictured)
Viewed 3246 times
PRT Team and Bishop
Viewed 3204 times
PRT Team
Viewed 3194 times
Bishop Smith, Lady Smith, Lady Fitzgerald and Pastor Fitzgerald
Viewed 3286 times
Bishop Smith and Rev. Blunt
Viewed 3299 times
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